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imago images/Pressefoto Baumann

From Lens to Screen: Insights from Carsten Brandes, Senior Photo Editor

In the latest episode of "Learn with IMAGO: Behind the Lens," Carsten Brandes, senior photo editor at IMAGO, shares his extensive insights and valuable photography tips. If you're eager to understand what makes a photo stand out—or why a good shot might be overlooked—and learn how to ensure your photos capture the attention of a photo agency among millions of submissions, don't miss this interview.

EURO 2024: Echoes of Summer ’06 in Germany

EURO 2024: Echoes of Summer ’06 in Germany

Hot summer days, public viewings in the sun and ice-cold beverages in the vibrant city centers. When Germany last hosted a football tournament, the FIFA World Cup 2006, it was titled a summer fairytale, or Sommermärchen, by the Germans, because of the unique atmosphere around the country. Now it's their turn again to host the upcoming UEFA EURO 2024. A nostalgic recollection of childhood memories by our German writer Johannes Häring.

imago/F. Berger

German Unity Day Through IMAGO Photographers’ Lenses

This German Unity Day, The Game Magazine takes you on a visual trip back to a turning point in German history when the country was united again. Explore the abandoned and reborn locations that were formerly defined by divisive symbols and delve into the haunting stories documented by IMAGO photographers and their feelings in those historical moments.