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imago images/Everett Collection

The Lasting Impact of Pop Art Icon Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol, renowned for his celebrity portraits, signature Campbell's soup cans, and bold Brillo boxes, didn't merely depict the 20th-century zeitgeist — he became one of the defining figures. By fusing commercial elements with the avant-garde, he pioneered a movement that blurred the lines between high art and popular culture. Today, in contemporary art, Warhol remains a towering figure, synonymous with the Pop art movement.

IMAGO/Le Pictorium

The Soundtrack of a Photograph

The right soundtrack of a photograph can elevate your story. In celebration of Fête de la Musique, we showcase the importance of music in photography through IMAGO's selection of extensive image library and Cézame Music Agency's diverse playlists and provide tips on how to choose music that amplifies the visual story.